As a doctor treating mesothelioma patients, your primary focus is managing the disease and helping patients understand the medical implications of their ongoing treatment. However, you also understand that the lives of your newly-diagnosed patients and their families have just been upended and they may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what lies ahead, not just in terms of treatment, but also how it will affect their day-to-day lives. To augment the information and support available through your hospital or clinic, we’d like to offer some additional resources that you may wish to share with your patients.

A Mesothelioma Caregiver Checklist

The new reality of being a caregiver to a loved one diagnosed with mesothelioma can be an overwhelming prospect. There will be much to do in the weeks and months ahead. Having most, if not all, of these tasks spelled out, and methodically approaching them can help diffuse some of the uncertainty. Friends and family are usually eager to help but may need some guidance on what they can do. Armed with our checklist, caregivers may find it easier to accept offers of assistance and delegate tasks as appropriate. Including items such as: 

  • Designate a friend or family member as a “spokesperson” who can keep others informed about the diagnosis and progression of treatment; people mean well, but you may not want to speak to everyone personally. 
  • Create a binder or other method to collect all information and contacts in one place.
  • Research all available financial support, including insurance, government, and VA benefits and begin the application process.
  • Determine whether you as the caregiver qualify for time off under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
  • Set aside time and resources to support yourself.

Feel free to download the full list as a handout for your patients. You can also provide this worksheet developed by the National Institute of Health for Coordinating Caregiving Responsibilities.

Help Your Patient Ensure End-of-Life Wishes Are Followed

While difficult to acknowledge, mesothelioma diagnoses are often terminal. Patients may be unaware of the many end-of-life decisions that will be required, or frankly, be unwilling or unable to confront them. Gently reminding them that it will be much easier to deal with these matters earlier, rather than after the disease has progressed, may prompt patients to get their proverbial “house” in order. Your hospital or clinic likely has a healthcare proxy that patients are required to sign, but they should also consider a complete estate plan that would include a will, a living will and a power of attorney to ensure trusted individuals are in place to make decisions on their behalf if and when needed. Encourage patients to reach out now to professionals such as accountants, financial planners, investment advisors, tax preparers, and attorneys, including those focusing on trust and estate planning, family law, and mesothelioma litigation. You may also wish to point out that it will make things much easier for their family in the long run. 

Offer the Opportunity to Talk to Someone Who’s Been Through It

While mesothelioma diagnoses are becoming increasingly rare, there are still many others who have been through what your patient and their family are going through. Sometimes, it helps to talk to someone else about their experience. If this is something your patient would like to do, please feel free to pass along our contact information and we would be happy to arrange a conversation.

Let Your Patient Know Financial Compensation Might Be Available

Even today, mesothelioma victims and their families are receiving life-changing compensation from mesothelioma lawsuits. You can help patients understand that the only known cause of mesothelioma is prior exposure to asbestos and companies that knowingly put people’s lives at risk should be – and are – being held responsible. Whether it was direct exposure from using asbestos-containing products, inadvertent secondary exposure through a family member or through regular use of cosmetics containing talc, your patient should know that manufacturers of asbestos-containing products are being made to pay. Faced with mounting medical and related bills, patients might be interested in knowing that financial compensation could be available to them and be grateful for a referral to an attorney specializing in mesothelioma lawsuits. Although they may be reluctant to litigate, there may well be a significant financial upside to doing so. 

At Shepard O’Donnell, we have been helping mesothelioma victims obtain life-changing financial compensation for their suffering for more than 30 years. We would be happy to speak to your patient at no cost and no obligation to them. If preferred, we will come to their home or other location that’s easy for them to get to to discuss the possibility of filing a lawsuit on their behalf. Feel free to share our contact information with whomever you think could benefit from our services. We appreciate the referral.