Fighting for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Dr. Derrick Todd

Shepard O’Donnell is now pursuing sexual abuse claims against Dr. Derrick Todd.

Update: On Thursday, January 16, 2025, Dr. Derrick Todd, a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital in Boston, was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of rape. These cases date back to 2022 and 2023 when Todd practiced at Charles River Associates in Framingham, however, additional investigations are ongoing and the number of charges against him is expected to grow. More than 200 former patients have filed claims against Dr. Todd to date, with alleged abuses dating back to 2010. If you believe you may have been victimized by Dr. Todd, we encourage you to reach out to us for a confidential conversation with attorney Erika O’Donnell to see whether you might have a claim. To learn more about how we work with survivors of sexual abuse please visit our blog.

Dr. Derrick Todd is a former rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts, who is accused of sexually assaulting more than 100 patients as far back as 2011. Survivors question why Dr. Todd, a rheumatologist, needed to perform breast and pelvic exams to treat various rheumatological conditions. Two physicians working alongside Dr. Todd also expressed concerns over his conduct. There are currently a number of class action and individual lawsuits pending against Dr. Todd and he is under investigation by the Suffolk County district attorney, the Boston Police Department and the Board of Registration in Medicine.

If you think you may have been a victim of sexual abuse by Dr. Todd, call us for a free, no-obligation case consultation. You will receive dedicated, personal attention from an experienced lawyer who truly cares and is committed to seeking justice in your case.

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A Pattern of Abuse

Plaintiffs who have already come forward in this case accuse Dr. Todd of routinely and repeatedly performing inappropriate breast, pelvic and rectal examinations, including pelvic massage therapy, assuring them that these exams were a necessary part of providing medical care for their rheumatic disease. In one of the lawsuits that have been filed, Dr. Todd stands accused of indecent assault and battery of a sexual nature, intimidating plaintiffs with extremely personal questions and repeatedly offering to become her primary care physician despite multiple rejections.

Another suit claims that Dr. Todd “began subjecting the victim to a course of predatory grooming, boundary violating, mental, emotional, and physical sexual abuse that was masked by his position of power and authority.” He would also text patients outside of office hours, ask inappropriate questions about a patient’s sex life and make sexualized comments.

There are likely many more victims who have yet to come forward

How Victims of Physician Sexual Abuse Can Get Compensation

Whether Dr. Todd will rightfully face criminal charges remains to be seen but even if he does, that alone does not entitle victims to financial compensation. In order to recover monetary damages for physician sexual abuse, you will need to file a civil lawsuit not just against the doctor himself but also the institutions that knew or should have known of his misconduct.

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How Long Do I Have to Bring A Lawsuit for Sexual Abuse

In Massachusetts, you must file a lawsuit for sexual assault within three years of the date of the assault. As difficult as it may be, we encourage you to reach out to a lawyer as soon as you feel strong enough so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

Sexual abuse is a traumatic experience and can have life-long physical and psychological effects on survivors. Conversations about sexual abuse can be hard but our compassionate and supportive sexual abuse lawyers are ready to listen to your story. Call us at (800) 451-4471. There is no fee to reach out and share your experience – our conversations will always be kept confidential – and we will tell you honestly if we think you have a valid claim. If so, we will aggressively fight for your right to financial compensation and hold the perpetrator accountable for the terrible harm done to you.

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