Sexual abuse and assault by school employees, including teachers, teacher aides, principals, office staff, or other employees of the school, is an unnerving topic and a massive breach of trust for children and their caretakers.
Sexual abuse can encompass both physical and non-physical actions by the perpetrator. School sexual abuse can happen at any age, starting with preschool-aged children. While parents do their best to be aware of their children’s well-being, children do not always share their trauma with others or even initially realize that what happened was wrong.
Living with the trauma of sexual abuse can have long-lasting emotional and mental health effects. If you think you or your child may have been the victim of abuse by school faculty, we encourage you to report the behavior. You may be entitled to monetary compensation for your suffering.
In addition to holding individual perpetrators accountable, the schools they worked for can also be liable for allowing the abuse to occur or not taking the appropriate action once abuse was reported. The lawsuit can also include other school faculty members who knew or should have known what was happening.
These conversations can be difficult, but our compassionate and supportive lawyers are ready to listen to your story. There is no fee to share your experience, and our conversations will always be kept confidential.

Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse by in Schools
Always trust your instincts. If a school employee has made you feel uncomfortable, please report the behavior and seek help.
Common forms of physical sexual abuse that occur in schools include:
- Rape or attempted rape
- Fondling
- Inappropriate touching
- Sodomy
- Penetration with fingers or an object
- Kissing
- Sex with an underage student
- Showing a child sexual material
- Masturbating in front of a child
- Exposure in front of a child
- Asking a child to expose or touch themselves
- Taking sexual videos or photos of a child
- Making sexual comments to a child
Sexual abuse is a traumatic experience and can have life-long physical and psychological effects on survivors. Conversations about sexual abuse are difficult but our compassionate and supportive attorneys are ready to listen to your story. Call us at (800) 451-4471.
There is no fee to reach out and share your experience – our conversations will always be kept confidential – and we will tell you honestly if we think you have a valid claim. If so, we will aggressively fight for your right to financial compensation and hold the perpetrator accountable for the terrible harm done to you.